The Entrance of Sin - Genesis 3

March 24, 2024

Genesis 3:1-13

- The doctrine of original sin

-- All humanity inherits a sin nature through Adam and Eve

- First promise of redemption (v. 15)

- Temptation will find you; you don’t have to go looking for it.

1. The Appearance of the Tempter (v. 1a)

- Appeared attractively

- Appeared suddenly

2. The Allurement of the Tempter (vs. 1b-5)

- Satan questioned God’s Word

- Satan impugns God’s Character

- Satan denies the certainty of God’s judgment

- Satan promises pleasure but doesn’t mention pain

3. The Actions of Adam and Eve (vs. 6-13)

4. The Approach of God (vs. 8-9)

- At the sound of God’s approach, they realized their fig leaves were not enough

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