God Meets Humanity’s Needs

Genesis 2:1-3

February 25, 2024

God Meets Humanity’s Needs- God Established the Sabbath at Creation (vs. 1-3)

God Established the Sabbath at Creation:

1. The number of this day is marked three times (vs. 2-3)

2. There is no introductory formula – “then God said”

3. This day does not have the usual closing refrain – “there was evening and there was morning”

4. It is the only day of the week blessed and consecrated by God (v. 3)

What is God’s purpose in instituting a sabbath?

- To provide His people the seven-day rhythm of work and rest

- To provide His people the space to consider and prioritize eternal things

“And He came to Nazareth, where He had been brought up; and as was His custom, He entered the synagogue on the Sabbath" - Luke 4:16

How should we respond to God’s provision of the Sabbath?

- Begin to see the sabbath as a gift from God

- Follow the example of Jesus

- Use the Sabbath as a day for doing good

Spreading the hope and love of Jesus is a great way to practice the Sabbath.

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