Mother's Day - A Mom with a Kingdom Priority

Matthew 20:20-23

May 12, 2024

1. She Desired Her Sons’ Inclusion

2. She Desired Her Sons’ Involvement

- We should pray often, even daily, for our kids to be saved by placing their faith in Jesus Christ.

- Oftentimes children will not rise above the level of their parents when it comes to spiritual things.

- As parents, we must set the example and then we must pray that our sons and daughters might be passionately involved in the work of the kingdom.

- We can easily settle for a spot in the land of just enough when God has a spot for us in the land of more than enough.

Easter Sunday - The First Gospel

March 31, 2024

Genesis 3:14-15 - Spiritual warfare is the result of Satan striving for our affections and God desiring our affections. - The seed of the serpent refers to natural humanity whom Satan has led into rebellion against God. - Genesis 3:15 points to the cross of Calvary and the empty tomb - Don’t get discouraged because the Christian life isn’t easy. It’s not supposed to be easy. - It is through Jesus, through His death and resurrection, that God has made salvation available to all who will believe on Jesus. 1. The curse is pronounced (v. 14) 2. The curse contains a promise (v. 15) 3. The curse paints a picture (vs. 14-15) a. The Christian life will always be a struggle b. Our victories will not come without wounds c. God’s plan of salvation is centered in a Person

Sunday Morning Worship

April 7, 2024

Pray Like a Disciple

March 10, 2024

Matthew 6:5-13 1) Pray in Private, more than you Pray in Public (vs 5-6) 2) Pray Real, not Rehearsed (vs 7-8) 3) Pray for the Lord's Will, not your own Way (vs 9-13)