
it takes a fight, to focus on what's right

Focus (Recap)

September 30, 2018 • Brent Freeman

On July 16th at 3:21am, God gave me the words that would form this series. To focus on what's right takes a FIGHT! Life is full of hills and valleys. It can sometimes be hard to keep the right attitude and mindset when things aren't going right. We can easily become distracted by what is happening around us.

Traveling Light (It's Over)

September 23, 2018 • Brent Freeman • Romans 10:17, Hebrews 3:12–14, 2 Corinthians 5:7, Acts 4:12, Hebrews 11:1

From the time we were children listening to a fairy tales we learned that life has its beginnings, middles and endings . . . childhood, school, fleeting friendships, Super bowls . . . many events in our lives have all come to an end. No problem, right? There are those times when we discover that THE END is not easy to accept at all.

What Faith Is

September 16, 2018 • Brent Freeman • Acts 4:12, Hebrews 11:1, Romans 10:17, Hebrews 3:12–14, 2 Corinthians 5:7

Faith is a common denominator. Every one alive daily expresses faith in something. No one can live a single day without exercising faith. The difference between the faith we exercise in our daily routine and our religious faith is the object of that faith.

A Seeing Faith

September 9, 2018 • Brent Freeman • Proverbs 3:5, Habakkuk 1:2–4, Habakkuk 1:12–17, Habakkuk 2:1–20, Habakkuk 3:2

We all want answers to our questions. But we don't really want just any answer, we want the RIGHT answer! One of my favorite tv shows is Family Feud. It's fun to watch people when they are put on the spot to come up with a "good answer". This week we look at the book of Habakkuk, as He was seeking an answer from God.

To focus on what’s right requires a simple life

September 2, 2018 • Brent Freeman • Philippians 4:11–13, John 15:5, Colossians 1:9–12

Complicated living is killing us. It’s keeping us from experiencing life the way our Creator meant for us to enjoy it. Too much of the time we’re anxious and worried. We’re exhausted and stressed out. We don’t know which way to turn so we don’t do anything. We become apathetic and depressed when we have so much that ought to make us enthusiastic and happy!

How to Correct my Attitude's Vision

August 26, 2018 • Brent Freeman

In 79 A.D. the ancient city of Pompeii was transformed instantly into a graveyard of ashes when Mount Vesuvius erupted, raining fire and brimstone on to the unexpected inhabitants. One of the more chilling archaeological findings of the 18th century was uncovering these ruins, revealing thousands of people frozen in time. Do you feel chained to the past? If so, you do have a choice. You need not remain frozen in a moment or season during which you were hurt, disillusioned, offended or shattered. You can move on!


August 19, 2018 • Brent Freeman • Philippians 4:4–8, Philippians 3:15–16

A momentary glance at the past can be motivating, but a constant gaze could be paralyzing. If you don’t remember where you have been, you wont remember where you need to go.