where the rubber meets the road

Emptying God's Name

March 11, 2018 • Brent Freeman • Exodus 20:14, James 1:14–16, Matthew 5:27–30

God forbids us from using His name in a pedestrian or casual fashion. Because names are mediums of communication, and God’s name is different from every other name. He is distinct from man. God is sovereign, He is transcendent, He is Holy. And He tells us over and over again to hold His name in high esteem. Taking this a step further, this commandment goes beyond what we say.


March 4, 2018 • Brent Freeman • Exodus 2:14, James 1:14–16, Matthew 5:27–30

I believe it was Billy Graham who said, "You cannot help the first look, but the second is sin." We all have ideas about adultery, but yet again God's standard is higher than our own. The good news is, God's grace is also greater than any we show. Like the other commandments, God offers his grace to us, and it is not about the past but about what we do moving forward that matters.


February 25, 2018

When you look at the Ten Commandments, it is easy to see how each one was important enough to God, to include in the "top ten" so to speak. However, when you come across commandment number four, at face value it almost begs the question, "why was this one included?" It doesn't seem quite as important as the other nine.

Honor Your Parents

February 18, 2018 • Pat Freeman

No one's parents were perfect. In fact, some may have been cruel. That said, God's word gives us a clear command in how we are to relate to our parents. As Christians, sometimes doing the hard things, like showing grace and forgiveness are what make us stand out the most to others. So the question is how does this commandment look in our culture today?

Lie & Steal

February 11, 2018 • Brent Freeman • Exodus 20:16, Psalm 52:3, Proverbs 6:16–19, John 16:13, Exodus 20:15

What do you say when your back is against the wall? What do you say when you have to close the deal? What do you say when you really want to impress somebody? Feeling challenged already? How about this question... How many of you have ever stolen something in your life?


February 4, 2018 • Brent Freeman

The battle lines were drawn in the sand. The Philistines were on one side of the valley, the Israelites were on the other. David, a young boy came onto the battlefield to face a 9 ft, 400+ pound behemoth, Goliath.


January 28, 2018 • Brent Freeman • Ephesians 4:31–32, Psalm 19:14, Exodus 20:13, Matthew 5:21–22, Leviticus 19:16

There they were, all of those posters, those mug shots of the hardened criminals. I stared into their scary eyes and read about the different crimes they had committed. Armed robbery. Mail fraud. Assault. And the worst, murder.


January 21, 2018 • Brent Freeman • Exodus 20:17, 1 Timothy 6:7, Matthew 6:20, Philippians 4:12–13

The Tenth commandment is different. This last one hits on our attitude, our disposition if you will. It is easy to pinpoint nine specific behaviors but it is another thing to get our arms around our disposition. It is difficult, also, to call number ten a sin because this deal is so tethered to our times.

Image is Everything

January 14, 2018 • Brent Freeman • Exodus 20:4–6

I don’t know about you, but I have not had the burning desire this week to melt down my wedding ring or to carve some image on my garage and bow down and worship it. So it's easy to read the second commandment and think, "this message is going to be an easy one this week."

No Other Gods

January 7, 2018 • Brent Freeman • Exodus 20:2–3, Psalm 115:5–8, John 14:1

If you think about it, life is a bunch of choices and decisions. And they come to you and to me at such a rapid fire pace that oftentimes we make decisions without even thinking about them. We need a base. We need a foundation. We need some absolutes.