Time After Time

When We Believe in God, But Won’t Choose to Forgive

June 30, 2019 • Brent Freeman • Matthew 6:14–15, Matthew 5:44, Matthew 7:2, Mark 11:25, Colossians 3:13

Have you ever met those people, the ones who seem to rehash the past forever? The ones who seem to live in their memories more than in the present? The ones who can’t seem to get past some issue, some hang-up, some roadblock in their past? As if they are still chained to something years ago.


June 23, 2019 • Brent Freeman • Genesis 1:27–31, Matthew 23:23–24, 2 Corinthians 9:7, Proverbs 3:9

The Bible has a lot to say about money, wealth, greed, contentment and a variety of other topics as they pertain to our financial and spiritual lives. Yet churches are often unwilling to talk about the subject because people are funny about money. Yet at the same time most of us are drowning in credit card debt, reaching $423.8 billion in early 2019, according to NerdWallet’s annual analysis of U.S. household debt. That’s an increase of almost 5% over last year! I want you to listen to what the Bible has to say about Money, as its not about prosperity and getting rich, and it's certainly doesn't say you have to live in poverty as well. My goal is not to guilt anyone or get something for you, but to see you find God's best in your life and finances.

The Drift

June 16, 2019 • Brent Freeman • Proverbs 20:7, Ephesians 6:4, Hebrews 2:1, Joshua 24:15, Proverbs 13:20

I almost died! While visiting family in Florida, I found myself in an unexpected situation, in which my life was literally in Jeopardy. This situation got me thinking about the choices that we all make. Too many of us have made decisions based upon what we think is a good idea, only to find out everything is on the line.

Spiritual Battles

June 9, 2019 • Brent Freeman

There are a lot of verses that have conflicts in fighting, WHY? Just because God thought He needed some gratuitous violence in His book. I don’t think that’s what that’s about. It’s in there because he knew you and I would be in a fight one day. He knew you and I would have to know how to spiritually fight.


June 2, 2019 • Mike Newsom • Psalm 34:1, Genesis 1:26, John 4:20–23, Hebrews 10:25, John 14:9

When you hear the word worship, what comes to mind? Singing songs? A Church service? Reality is worship goes beyond that, worship is... a mirror.

Remember to Honor

May 26, 2019 • Brent Freeman • Psalm 22:23, 2 Corinthians 5:17, Psalm 143:5, Deuteronomy 32:7, Romans 12:9–10

We live in a culture without honor. We devalue people by being dishonoring.


May 19, 2019 • Brent Freeman • Matthew 10:39, Mark 8:34–35, Luke 17:33, John 12:25, Ephesians 3:17

Recently, while doing some Bible research, I discovered something in the life of Jesus that brought me to a full stop. It stunned me, and I’m still trying to process it. There is very little in John that is present in the other three Gospels. There is no teaching of Christ contained in all 4 Gospels, with only one exception.