Most Dangerous Road

March 31, 2024 • Brent Freeman • John 20:1–9

There is a road that is known as the most dangerous road in America. It’s called the "Million Dollar Highway". There is a 12-mile stretch of winding mountain road, and if you're driving south you'll be on the cliffside, with no guardrails! The origin of the name is unclear. But the locals say "You'd have to pay me a million dollars" to drive that stretch in the snow. Any mistake can lead to severe consequences.

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Why Pray?

March 24, 2024 • Brent Freeman • Matthew 26:36–42, Jeremiah 25:15–16, Matthew 26:42–46, Luke 22:44

Prayer is a powerful tool. Through prayer, I have seen people recover from medical battles, relationships restored, families healed, circumstances changed, and people saved. However, I also know there will be times when prayer will not change what is about to happen. So the question must be addressed, "Why pray?"

Go The Distance

March 17, 2024 • Brent Freeman • John 1:42, Luke 22:31–62, Mark 16:7, 1 Peter 1:3–9

Nicknames are a funny thing, they can be a reflection of our strengths or our greatest weaknesses. A source of pride or humiliation. Jesus gave a nickname to one of His disciples, that didn't appear to reflect who He was at all in the moment. Perhaps it's because Jesus sees our potential and who we can become.

Wasting Time

March 10, 2024 • Brent Freeman • John 11:1–27, Luke 10:38–42

Most of us are familiar with the moment when Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead. However, in this event, we also learn about a woman named Martha. But Martha's story isn't limited to this one event. This week we take some time to examine a life, that was preoccupied and overly busy, and how that life drastically changed.