Sleeping on a Cushion

( Sat & Sun Message )

November 21, 2021 • Mark 4:36–40

Have you ever felt stuck? Like you've drifted far from God? Our lives are surrounded by rhythm. Rhythm of the music we listen to, but also the rhythm and routines of our everyday lives. The question this week is, what song are you listening to?

The Exception to the Rule

November 28, 2021 • Brent Freeman • Luke 17:11–19, Psalm 92:1–2, Ephesians 2:8–9

It doesn't take much for our worst behavior to appear these days. If things don't go the way we want or expect, we are quick to get upset! What's worse, this behavior has become normal in our society! What if we lived in a way that people saw something different in us, simply by how we react to life's surprises?

Sleeping on a Cushion

November 17, 2021 • Mike Newsom • Psalm 95:2–4, Psalm 95:10–11, Mark 4:36–40, 2 Timothy 3:16, Acts 17:24–25

It's amazing how we get so caught up in the noise around us, yet justify its existence like it is beneficial to our lives. I thought I had an above average handle on certain habits in life, but it took an eye exam to prove me wrong!


November 14, 2021 • Brent Freeman • John 10:27, John 8:47, 1 Kings 19:1–13, Psalm 46:10

Our phones have become part of our everyday life. We measure social status by how many “friends”, “followers”, likes and shares we have. The problem many of us have in life today, is that we're listening in to the wrong notifications.