Revival Night #1 - Livin on the Edge

February 6, 2022 • Brent Freeman • Revelation 3:14–22, Matthew 7:7–14, Matthew 6:33

In the 1920s the United States saw an enormous amount of change. We became a "consumer society". Tensions rose along political, social and religious beliefs. No one could have foreseen the Great Depression, a Second World War, much less the prosperity and cultural changes that would come, or the threat of nuclear annihilation. The saying that “the more things change, the more they remain the same” has never seemed more accurate and providential.

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Revival Night #3 - Dan Seaborn

February 8, 2022 • Brent Freeman, Guest Speaker • Matthew 6:33

It's amazing how our life experiences tend to influence our view of God more than what is written in God's word! We need to be certain of our relationship with Jesus and how much we are loved.

Revival Night #2 - Phil Lewis

February 7, 2022 • Brent Freeman, Guest Speaker

Too many "Christians" know about Jesus, but don't have a real relationship with him. I grew up in church, knew the songs, and many passages from the Bible. But in my honest moment, it became obvious I still needed Jesus.