Week 4 - Who Are We?

September 18, 2018 • Pat Freeman, Tracy Colbert, Brent Freeman • 2 Corinthians 5:17, Romans 12:1–2

Week 9 - Prayer & Fasting

January 18, 2021 • Keith Thornton, Mike Newsom, Pat Freeman

You've probably heard about or even read references to people fasting in the Bible. While "intermittent fasting" is a growing trend, the purpose of Fasting in scripture has a deeper purpose than diet and health. Join us for a conversation on fasting as we discuss its role and importance within a Christian's life.

Week 8 - Sharing Your Faith (part two)

October 30, 2018 • Jim McCord, Mike Newsom, Brent Freeman • John 4

Week 7 - How do I share my faith?

October 23, 2018 • Jim McCord, Mike Newsom, Brent Freeman

One of, if not the most important part of becoming a Christian, is sharing your Fatih. Over the next couple of weeks we are going to focus on this part of the Christian life!