Mid-Week Motivation

Online Wednesday Services

Luke 15 (Rich Life Week 2 Reflection)

April 29, 2020 • Brent Freeman

Join us as several staff members reflect on week 2, of the Rich Life Series, and talk about forgiveness and relationships.

Proverbs 3 (Rich Life Week 1 Reflection)

April 22, 2020 • Brent Freeman

Join us as we look back on Week #1 of the Rich Life series, and reflect as a staff on Proverbs Chapter 3.

Easter Reflection

April 15, 2020 • Brent Freeman

Join us for a unique service as we reflect on what it was like Easter weekend, with no one in the building.

Easter Mid-Week Praise & Worship Night

April 8, 2020 • Matthew 14:22–33, Matthew 6:25–34

Join us for a time of praise & worship, as we reflect and prepare for Easter Weekend.


April 1, 2020 • Brent Freeman

Tonight we are revisiting a series from almost one year ago, "Lonely Planet". In light of COVID-19 and many around the world on "lockdown", its appropriate that we talk about loneliness and how we can find hope in the midst of it.


March 25, 2020 • Brent Freeman

What is it that makes you loose your patience the fastest? For some, it is when you are at a drive through line at a bank, and the person in front of you is negotiating a second mortgage on his home, from the front seat of his car!! MOVE IT!!


March 18, 2020 • Brent Freeman

I know I’m not supposed to worry. I try not to worry, but sometimes it’s hard. Worry is bad for our health. In fact, our word worry derives from the Old High German wurgen, literally “to strangle, constrict, choke.” That sounds like worry feels, doesn’t it? Worry absolutely strangles the life out of me.