

April 1, 2020 • Brent Freeman

Tonight we are revisiting a series from almost one year ago, "Lonely Planet". In light of COVID-19 and many around the world on "lockdown", its appropriate that we talk about loneliness and how we can find hope in the midst of it.

Luke 15 (Rich Life Week 2 Reflection)

April 29, 2020 • Brent Freeman

Join us as several staff members reflect on week 2, of the Rich Life Series, and talk about forgiveness and relationships.

Proverbs 3 (Rich Life Week 1 Reflection)

April 22, 2020 • Brent Freeman

Join us as we look back on Week #1 of the Rich Life series, and reflect as a staff on Proverbs Chapter 3.

Easter Reflection

April 15, 2020 • Brent Freeman

Join us for a unique service as we reflect on what it was like Easter weekend, with no one in the building.