
An Advent Series

Part 4: Peace

December 24, 2021 • Pastor Ryan Oddo

Part 3: Hope

December 19, 2021 • Pastor Ryan Oddo • Luke 2:25–35

Your expectation of the future affects how you live today. As followers of Jesus we have a hope that cannot be matched. We have a Biblical expectation for a future where God restores creation to wholeness. How can that hope shape the way you live? How can it affect the way you love? Where does the knowledge of Jesus having come to earth and the hope of His return manifest in your life?

Part 2: Joy

December 12, 2021 • Pastor Ryan Oddo • Luke 2:8–20

What is the joy of the Lord? How does it look? Where does it really come from? When does it present itself and when is it needed most? Pastor Ryan looks at how Jesus made Joy Incarnate and how He continues to empower us with His joy today.

Part 1: Love

December 5, 2021 • Pastor Ryan Oddo • John 1:1–5

Pastor Ryan begins a new series on how Jesus incarnated the characteristics of the Advent season; Love, Joy, Hope, and Peace. In Part 1 he looks at the ways Jesus was the embodiment of love on earth and how we, as His followers, can continue to do so through the empowerment of His Holy Spirit.