
A Christmas Series

Part 4: The Gift of Being Drawn

December 11, 2022 • Ryan Oddo

Pastor Ryan ends the teaching series on Wonder with a look at the wisemen (or magi) and how they were drawn to worship Jesus. All people are created for, and do, worship. The question is simply, "what do you worship?". Do you worship (or put your trust in) money, good works, yourself, a political party or ideology; or do you trust in the Living God who rules over all creation? This Christmas, remember to never lose your wonder at the ways God draws us into relationship that we might know and worship the only One worthy.

Part 3: The Gift of Good News

December 11, 2022 • Sean Thompson

The Good News is good no matter where you are in your relationship with faith. Whether you feel like there have been too many damages to that relationship to ever be made whole again or you've been faithfully pursuing Jesus for decades, we all need to be reminded of the beauty, majesty, and power of the Good News of the present and future Kingdom of Jesus Christ. This Christmas, remember to never lose your wonder of the restorative and regenerative work of the Good News.

Part 2: The Gift of Faith

December 4, 2022 • Ryan Oddo

So faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ. - Romans 10:17 (ESV) What does a life of faith look like? What does it mean to trust God when He says "Go."? Where does that faith come from and what does it form in us to practice it? Pastor Ryan continues our advent series of Wonder by looking at the story of Joseph, the man who acted as Jesus earthly father, and the gift of faith. This Christmas, remember to never lose your wonder at the ways God has invited us to trust in Him and to let Him lead our lives.

Part 1: The Gift of Partnership

November 27, 2022 • Ryan Oddo

God is the giver of every good and perfect gift. This week begins a new series of Wonder at the gifts that God gives us and the ways that we can respond to His generosity. Week 1 looks at the way that God chooses to partner with humans throughout the entirety of Scripture but specifically through the lens of Mary, the mother of Jesus. She was a fallible human in a city most thought badly of. She was unremarkable by most earthly metrics, and yet, the God of the universe saw fit to partner with her for the sake of His entry into flesh in order to save the world from their sins. That is remarkable! This Christmas, remember to never lose your wonder of the ways God has chosen to partner with us.