The Character of Destiny

Part 10: Redemptive Heart

May 17, 2020 • Ryan Oddo

Pastor Ryan Oddo concludes The Character of Destiny series that looked at the life of Joseph as he was sold into slavery by his brothers and rose to prominence in Egypt. Genesis 45 shows us the redemption of his family relationships when he reveals himself to his brothers and reflects on the incredible things God did for good through their evil act.

Part 9: Releasing Heart

May 3, 2020 • Sean Thompson

Pastor Sean Thompson takes us through Joseph's first encounter with his brothers since they sold him into slavery. Joseph is at a crossroads and has to decide whether to pay his brothers back for their injustice or extend grace, mercy, and blessing to the undeserving.

Part 8: Servant Hearted

April 26, 2020 • Ryan Oddo

We see Joseph thrust into a position of tremendous influence in this part of the story. The question is what he does with it and how God has prepared him for this moment.

Part 7: Trusting Heart

April 19, 2020 • Ryan Oddo

In Part 7 of The Character of Destiny we see Joseph having grown into a man that trusts God's ability to get him wherever He needs to take him, whenever He needs to take him there.

Part 6: Overcoming Heart

April 5, 2020 • Ryan Oddo

Part 6 of our series walking through the story of Joseph in Egypt. This week we look at the need for God in us becoming overcomers.

Part 5: Persevering Heart

March 29, 2020 • Ryan Oddo

In Part 5 of The Character of Destiny Joseph finds himself in prison despite doing the right thing. The challenge for Joseph and for us is to trust in God's goodness and faithfulness no matter the circumstance. Some time the situation feels bleak, but the things that are seen are passing away. The things that are unseen are eternal.

Part 4: Righteous Heart

March 22, 2020 • Ryan Oddo

Part 4 of The Character of Destiny sees Joseph faced with a decision about who the moral authority is in his life. Would he succumb to the pressures around him or would he look to God as the ultimate authority in his life?

Part 3: The Stewarding Heart

March 15, 2020 • Mike Foell

Pastor Mike Foell looks at the story of Joseph in Potiphar's house through the lens of stewardship. Joseph was tasked with managing the affairs of Potiphar's house in a way that honored God. Likewise, we are tasked with managing the property of others - whether at work, in our homes, or as stewards of God's gracious gifts - in a way that honors God.

Part 2: Surrendered Heart

March 8, 2020 • Ryan Oddo

Part 2 of The Character of Destiny. Joseph's brothers throw him in a pit and sell him into slavery. Something happens to Joseph in that pit that transforms him and strips him of his pride. What are the pit moments in our lives and the things that need to be stripped away to allow us to live the God-dreams that God has for us?

Part 1: Humble Heart

March 1, 2020 • Ryan Oddo

Pastor Ryan Oddo begins a news series titled "The Character of Destiny". In it The Bridge will look at the story of Joseph in the book of Genesis. God had ordained a plan for his life, but He needed Joseph to develop the proper character to live out that plan well. Part 1 is about how God took Joseph from arrogant favorite child who boastfully declared his own greatness to humble and contrite servant.