Part 1: Conversations About The Lord

April 24, 2022 • Ryan Oddo • Luke 6:46–49, Deuteronomy 11:18–21

No matter what you're home looks like, who lives there, or how old they (or you) are we're called to share the stories of God's work in our lives with the next generation. Spiritual conversations are one rhythm that, when fostered, lead to a healthy home. It's not too late. You can start discussing God, His Word, and His work with those closest to you today!

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Part 5: Continuously Modeling Faith

May 29, 2022 • Mike Foell • Matthew 7:24–27

You can tell someone all day about your faith, about what is right and wrong, and about your ethics. It won't carry much weight unless you actually live it out. As you lead and mentor, you have to exemplify what it is you want to see grow in those you're leading. This is true of children, students, mentees, etc. There is no "do as I say, not as I do". The only effective leadership that leads to health is one that models the truth to which their words point.

Part 4: Calling-Focused Encouragement

May 15, 2022 • Ryan Oddo

Calling over career. As followers of Jesus we're called to love God first. This means following Him before worrying about your job, your income, your public image, any of it. Then you trust Him to handle the rest as He sees fit. We also seek to establish a culture of calling focus in our Homes that seeks first the Kingdom of God and lives to hear "well done, good and faithful servant."

Part 3: Constant Prayer Covering

May 8, 2022 • Ryan Oddo • Exodus 17:8–16

Prayer has an impact. Know it. Believe it. God has invited us to partner with Him in ruling over His creation and one way that we participate in heavenly realms is by praying. As such, we have a responsibility to those we care about to cover them in prayer.