Part 2: You Saved Me

March 13, 2022 • Cami Wittwer • Exodus 1, Exodus 3

Pastor Cami takes us through the life of Moses as we ask what it means to be known by God. Where is our identity derived? Is it in what we've done? Our profession? Where we've been? Our likes and dislikes? or is it rooted in I AM? As we get to know our God, our identity as His son or daughter comes into focus because the frame isn't our own, but who He is.

Part 5: You Freed Me

March 27, 2022 • Ryan Oddo • John 8:31–36

It's for freedom that Christ has set us free. But we can have some pretty twisted ideas of what freedom is. Usually, in our 21st-century, enlightenment context, we think of freedom as the right to do as we please. This is not what Jesus or the Biblical authors had in mind. Pastor Ryan finishes our series on our identities as followers of Jesus as he unpacks what it means to be free in Christ.

Part 4: You Named Me

March 27, 2022 • Ryan Oddo • Judges 7:1–7

In life we have identities spoken over us often. There is only one Person, however, who has the right to declare our identity. That Person is the one and only God Most High and He calls us beloved, clean, righteous, empowered, and blessing. As we begin to take hold of the identity that God speaks over us we begin to live into that identity and it transforms the way we live and the confidence we have. As we begin to see others the way God sees them it transforms the way we love.

Part 3: You Adopted Me

March 20, 2022 • Ryan Oddo • Judges 6:1–35

What does it mean to be adopted into God's family? How does it impact the way we treat others to see them as a part of that family? To see all people as desired by God, worthy of adoption? We often believe things about ourselves based on the messages we receive from a fallen world. These messages, regardless of their intentions, fall short of the identity that God has spoken and is speaking over us. It's only when we receive identity and calling from Him that we can live into the full potential of our lives to see His Kingdom come and His will be done.