Justice, Kindness and Humility

September 2, 2018 • Mike Foell

In this message we look at Micah 6 where the Israelites receive a challenge to trust the LORD and be obedient to Him.

Neighbors Near and Far

August 26, 2018 • Mike Foell

Who are your neighbors? In this message we will discuss what Jesus is calling us to when he says, "Love your neighbor..."

Living Out Matthew 25 Locally

August 19, 2018 • Mike Foell

In part 3 in our Matthew 25 Challenge series, Pastor Mike Foell discusses God's heart for the poor. Through looking at the overwhelming amount of scriptures in the Old & New Testimony, as well as Church history we begin to see God's heart for the widow, orphan, poor & disenfranchised.

Adjusting Your Vision

August 12, 2018 • Sean Thompson

We are blind to injustice because our vision is distorted, “we see through a glass, dimly.” (1 Cor 13:12) It's as if we are all wearing thick glasses with multiple distorting lenses that cloud our vision: o Race o Rich/Poor o Male/Female o Republican/Democrat/Other o Educated/Uneducated o White collar/Blue collar o American patriotism (Football players protesting) o Previous generations of Christians didn’t see slavery. o We didn’t see the oppression of women or civil rights for African-Americans. o We still don’t see clearly God’s great concern for the “least of these” in our world, who often don’t look or speak like us. God sees all people without these distorted lenses and we must do our best to see the world as God sees it.