Part 4: Prophet

May 30, 2021 • Mike Foell

We continue our series through the Gifts of the Son and the five-fold ministry with a look at the prophetic gifting. We usually think of a prophet as someone who tells the future. That can be a part of it, but Pastor Mike Foell unpacks here the multiple ways that prophets function both in the first-century Church and the Church of today. You may be surprised to find how the prophetic gift functions in your own life without even realizing it.

Part 7: Teacher

June 27, 2021 • Mike Foell

Sometimes the most profound things in life are the simplest. That's easy to lose sight of when we think about teaching. We think of vast knowledge or deep wells of wisdom. These are good things, but without the ability to communicate and transmit those things they do not constitute the gift of teaching on their own. Pastor Mike finishes our series on the Gifts of the Son with a look first at what the teaching gift is not, then what it is. Finally he leaves us with action steps on how to respond to those with the gift of teaching as hearers of God's Word.

Part 6: Shepherd

June 13, 2021 • Mike Foell

Not an office, not the responsibility of the select few in vocational ministry, we're all called to care for those around us. That is the very role of the pastor (or shepherd) in the Church. While some are more gifted to do this well, we're all charged with the responsibility. Pastor Mike continues our series through the Gifts of the Son with the Gift of the Shepherd and what that means practically in each of our lives.

Part 5: Evangelist

June 6, 2021 • Cami Wittwer

What do you think of when you hear the word "evangelist"? Maybe people like Billy Graham and Greg Laurie? Maybe people handing out Bible tracts or standing on street corners with bull horns? Like much of our conversation around Divine Placement and the five-fold ministry, we have painted a cultural picture of the evangelist that isn't what the Bible says. Pastor Cami opens up the text to see how the evangelist functions in the Church and how the evangelistic gift plays out in our day-to-day lives.