I'm MAD!

Honey and Howie - Episode 4

January 1, 2016 • Honey and Howie

Its a beautiful day outside and Honey and Howie are playing in the sandbox. When Howie destroys Honey's sand castle, they begin to have an argument. Momma helps them learn about James 1:19-20 where we are told to be swift to hear, slow to speak, and slow to wrath.

Seek Ye First

August 3, 2023 • Matthew 6:33

In the second episode of this reboot, Howie and Honey learn about the importance of putting God first. Howie has to make a big decision about his baseball game!

Words Can Hurt!

March 23, 2023

In the first episode of this reboot, Honey learns about how words can hurt others. You can't put the toothpaste back into the tube!

Time to Wait

Honey and Howie