
Logan Hames' Benefit Cornhole Tournament

September 21, 2024
8:30 - 11:30am

Tournament Details...

·     Cost: $50/person or $100/team for the double-elimination tournament.

·     Location: 652 MacDonald Lake Rd (Beside the MacDonald Farm Lake Path).

·     Prizes: There will be great prizes, fellowship, and refreshments.

·     Proceeds: All proceeds go to support Logan's battle against lymphoma.

·     Sponsorship: This event is sponsored by the MacDonald Farm D-Group.

Logan Hames is an amazing guy and 28-year-old husband to Katy and father to Avy and Ace. In early April, Logan was having some difficulty breathing and after a trip to the ER, a softball size tumor was found in Logan’s chest. Unfortunately, the tumor is wrapped around Logan‘s heart and is currently inoperable. 

Since that finding, Logan has endured numerous biopsies on the mass, multiple bone marrow biopsies and other painful procedures. The diagnosis is T lymphoblastic lymphoma. Treatment has been aggressive and has required frequent hospitalization and several emergency room visits. The plan of action calls for chemotherapy and radiation for up to two years.

Logan's strength and positive attitude has inspired many. However, day to day expenses and growing medical costs are a mounting burden. Family and friends are helping, but the financial need is great. 

We would sincerely appreciate your participation in the LOGAN HAMES' BENEFIT CORNHOLE TOURNAMENT. You could also make a personal donation through the "Support Logan's Battle Against Lymphoma" GoFundMe page: gofund.me/6b60c703.