From a Gift to a Blessing

Storybook Christmas Week 6

December 19, 2021 • Pastor Tyler Gramling

In Part 6 of Storybook Christmas, Pastor Tyler Gramling shares with us from the children’s book, “The Not Very Merry Pout-Pout Fish”. Pout-Pout Fish feels that the gift that he purchases for his friends must be perfect. We may try to find that perfect gift also to no avail. God sends us the perfect gift for all of humanity at Christmas: Jesus! And God also gives each of us a gift to use for His glory. When we accept God’s gift of grace, we become the blessing!! How will we use that gift to bless others today and always?

Truths to Set Us Free

December 26, 2021 • Pastor Troy Gramling

In the final chapter of our Storybook Christmas series, we look at the story of “The Emperors New Clothes”. How strange in the story that it takes a child to identify the truth of the matter. The Emperor really does not have any clothes on. What is it in our lives that we need to face the truth about as we enter the New Year? Fear and lies are from the enemy. How our future (and the world) can change when we speak the truth and apply it. God wants us to live in His Truth and remember His promises!!!!

Christmas Service

December 25, 2021 • Pastor Troy Gramling

Christmas Services at Potential Church

No More Regrets

December 12, 2021 • Pastor Troy Gramling

Do you have any regrets from this past year or years of your life? In this teaching, we look at the story of “A Christmas Carol” and the regret experienced by Scrooge and Marley. Regret can make us feel afraid, guilty, anxious or depressed. But Christmas shows us through God’s Word that we do not have to carry these emotions. God has sent us His son, Immanuel: God with us. The Good News is that Christmas is a reminder that there is no regret that God can’t use. When the darkness of regret consumes us, we can step into the light that God has sent to invade our world: Jesus!