The Model Man

April 15, 2018 • Pastor Tyler Gramling, Pastor Carson Gramling

What was God’s original plan for man? From the time of Adam and Eve, sin has corrupted humanity, skewing the actual intention of how God made man to be in this world. Sure, in our fallen world, we can never live up to how God originally modeled man to be... but we can know how He intended and molded man to be from day one. Then what does the model man actually look like? What was man supposed to be before sin entered the world?

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Styles of a Model Woman

April 22, 2018 • Pastor Troy Gramling, Pastor Steph Gramling

What does a Godly, model woman look like? Last week, we looked at what the model man looks like—but what about a woman? We know what the world thinks a model woman is... but does that line up with the Godly perspective of what a woman should look like? Pastors Troy and Steph Gramling team up to explore this controversial topic and together paint a clearer picture of a beautiful, Godly woman.

The Designer - A Model Marriage

April 8, 2018 • Pastor Troy Gramling

Every car has an owner’s manual, all clothing has washing instructions—but what about relationships, and more specifically, marriage? In this world marriage can be a messy, complicated, and often short relationship. So is there an owner’s manual for marriage? And if so, what does this “owner’s manual” say about marriage?