Fashioned for Christmas

Putting on your new clothes of love and forgiveness!

December 20, 2020 • Pastor Tyler Gramling

Christmas is a time of reflection, as Jesus changed us, we strive to be better and usher in the coming new year with new habits, and a changed heart. As they say, out with the old, in with the new! It’s like cleaning out your closet from last year’s tattered clothes—it’s time to put on your new, designer clothes of love and forgiveness! Pastor Tyler Gramling shares from his heart on letting go of our past, and letting God take us forward with new hearts!

Christmas Teardown

December 27, 2020 • Pastor Carson Gramling

Christmas is over. The celebrations have passed, all the food has been eaten, every present unwrapped and neatly put away. Decorations come down and life resumes as it were. Life is a lot like that—especially as the new year rolls around. As we take down the decor, we also strip ourselves of the things that we want to rid ourselves of. And we then clothe ourselves in the habits and attributes that we want to adopt in the new year. What does God desire for us to take into the new year?

The Nativity

December 24, 2020 • Pastor Troy Gramling

The Christmas season culminates with Christmas Day, where we celebrate the birth of Jesus, born in a stable surrounded by animals. Humble beginnings, the Son of God Himself. What is it that you believe this Christmas? God created you for a purpose, and to reach the potential to be all that God created you to be!

Classic Christmas Cards

December 13, 2020 • Pastor Troy Gramling

One of the fun traditions around Christmas is receiving beautiful Christmas cards in the mail from loved ones, both near and far. There’s usually a photo, and then often a letter telling of all the good news from the past year. What would a Christmas card from God look like? Maybe your year hasn’t been the best—you aren’t alone, life is sometimes hard! But behold—God sent His Son, Jesus, to be born on Christmas thousands of years ago, so that the ending to your story in life will be filled with HOPE!