
Season 2

Episode 14

Paula's daughter has a problem with a bully at school. Dr. Wonder helps her understand how to confront the bully wisely and with love.

Episode 15

Lisa hurts her leg and Paula sprains her arm. Billy can't stop teasing and making fun of them. But something happens to change his attitude.

Episode 16

Lisa usually tries to set a good example to keep the lab neat and tidy. But when she isn't herself for a few days, the whole place becomes a huge mess.

Episode 17

Dr. Wonder has only a few days to create a new invention to present to an inventor's convention. Can he get it ready on time all by himself?

Episode 18

Billy is trying to make the hologram table work but he can't seem to figure it out. His faith in Dr. Wonder's experience helps him overcome his fear and solve the problem.

Episode 19

The staff throws a birthday party for Lisa, but they don't know if she enjoyed it or not. She forgot the importance of saying "thank you."

Episode 20

Billy's new favorite phrase is "good enough." Dr. Wonder and the crew help Billy learn that if you haven't done your best, it's never good enough.

Episode 21

Billy goes overboard in buying souvenirs from his favorite professional ball team. He has to learn that greed is a dangerous trap.

Episode 22

Paula suddenly turns mean and critical of other people. It doesn't take long before her negative attitude affects the whole team.

Episode 23

Billy feels sorry for himself for making so many mistakes at the lab. He thinks everyone would be better off without him there. Will his friends convince him to stay?

Episode 24

Billy is rushing through his work just to get it done quickly. Dr. Wonder helps him see that it is more important to be wise and thoughtful than to be speedy.

Episode 25

Paula's latest experiment goes wrong and everyone in the lab starts acting grouchy and selfish. Even Dr. Wonder!

Episode 26

Billy decides he's not happy being Billy. He wants to become like Dr. Wonder. Will he really leave the workshop to set up his own lab?