
Season 3

Episode 27

Business is good at the workshop, so Dr. Wonder promotes Lisa to office manager. But when she becomes overwhelmed with the workload, Dr. Wonder comes up with a solution that will change the workshop forever!

Episode 28

Edwin, the new accountant, wants to change the way people report expenses. Lisa and Paula aren't happy about the new system. But Dr. Wonder encourages them to keep an open mind. What will they find?

Episode 29

Billy returns from vacation and meets Edwin. At first, Billy thinks Edwin is weird and makes fun of him. But soon something happens to make him change his mind!

Episode 30

Paula creates a new formula that can double the gas mileage in any car. Overnight she becomes famous. But will her new fame change Paula's personality?

Episode 31

Billy and Edwin are so excited about the big ball game this weekend that both of them neglect their work, and they drive everyone else crazy! This is a crisis! What will Dr. Wonder do?

Episode 32

Dr. Wonder uses his new invention- the Hologram Room- to show how every decision you make affects other people.

Episode 33

Paula is working on a very powerful formula that makes people tell the truth. But when she secretly tries on the formula on Dr. Wonder, very strange things start to happen!

Episode 34

Edwin is trying to fit in at the workshop, but he's having a tough time. He feels so different from everyone else. Billy tries to help Edwin change his style, but things don't quite turn out the way they expect.

Episode 35

A special episode to help kids understand they need to be careful on the internet. The internet is an amazing place, but it's important to be wise!

Episode 36

The staff honors Pops for 10 years of faithful service to Dr. Wonder's Workshop. Pops is a great example of how important it is to be faithful in all things.

Episode 37

When Paula gets hit on the head, she sees visions, and her whole personality changes. The staff can't figure it out. Will Paula ever get back to her old happy self?

Episode 38

Edwin doesn't really know how to accept compliments from others. He brushes the compliments off, and that hurts their feelings. Will Dr. Wonder be able to help Edwin to accept the praise of others?

Episode 39

Billy's latest creation is a cactus that grows apples. The apples look delicious, but they taste terrible! Doc uses this opportunity to teach the staff about growing "spiritual fruit."