
Season 4

Episode 40

When Edwin breaks his glasses, Lisa steps in to give Pops his computer lesson. Everyone learns how much they can accomplish if they try.

Episode 41

Billy has gone back to college, so Dr. Wonder is interviewing a candidate to replace him. But Lisa keeps interrupting the interview. Why?

Episode 42

The new electrical engineer, Miguel, is working on a cool project. But communication breaks down. Everyone learns listening is important.

Episode 43

Miguel plays a trick on Pops, and now Pops is hurt and angry. The whole team learns how to apologize the right way.

Episode 44

At first Paula is frustrated working with a hearing chemist from another company who can't sign. But soon she changes her mind.

Episode 45

Lisa and Paula tell embarrassing things about one another. Edwin helps them see that gossip hurts everyone.

Episode 46

Lisa is so excited! She's been saving up for a new office chair and today she plans to buy it. But other things come up to change her plans.

Episode 47

Everyone but Paula is involved in a big project. She feels left out, but Edwin encourages her to get involved, and her idea saves the project!

Episode 48

It's inventory time and no one wants to do it. So Doc, Paula and Miguel just play around all day and must suffer the consequences.

Episode 49

The team learns that "getting even" just makes a mess. Being fair in all things and respecting one another is so much better.

Episode 50

Lisa feels she isn't making much of a difference at the lab, until she sees what the lab would be like without her unique gifts.

Episode 51

Edwin and Miguel put off important work for personal reasons. Dr. Wonder helps them see they need to face their problems and solve them.

Episode 52

Both Dr. Wonder and Paula have setbacks. They need to learn to be grateful for what they have, even if it's not always what they want.