
Gideon (2)

September 9

September 9, 2018 • Beverly Eliason

In yesterday’s devotion, we learned that God talked to Gideon. Judges 6:24 tells us what happened next. “So Gideon built an altar there to worship the Lord and named it ‘The Lord is Peace.’ It still stands in the city of Ophrah, where the Abiezer family lives.”

That same night, God spoke to Gideon again. He asked Gideon to tear down his father’s altar. That altar was built to worship the false god, Baal. Gideon was afraid to do this. So he decided to tear down the altar at night when no one would see him. It seems that it was easy for Gideon to build a new altar to God, but it was hard for him to tear down the altar built for Baal.

It is the same in our lives. It is easy for us to make promises to God and to go to church. But it is much harder for us to get rid of something sinful in our lives. God’s Word shows us our sins and tells us to stop doing wrong things.

It may be difficult for us to stop sinning, but that is what we should do. Repent and ask God to forgive you. Fill your life with God’s Word and try to obey Him every day.

Thank God for His goodness and His forgiveness today!

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