
Traveling with Paul (4)

September 5

September 5, 2019 • Jo Krueger

Titus was a non-Jewish man who learned about Jesus and became a Christian. Yesterday we learned that Titus traveled with Paul and Barnabas to Jerusalem. Paul called Titus a “true son to me in the faith.”

Later, Titus traveled with Paul to the island of Crete. They shared the Good News with the people there, and then Paul left and went to another place. Titus 1:5 tells us why Paul left Titus there. “I left you in Crete so that you could finish doing what still needed to be done. And I also left you there so that you could choose men to be elders in every town.” Paul wrote a letter to Titus to encourage him and help him do this work. This letter is the New Testament book of Titus.

Titus grew from a new Christian into a man who was able to carry on the work that Paul had started. Titus became a strong leader because Paul and other Christians helped him to grow spiritually.

We need to continue to grow in Jesus every day. Reading the Bible, praying and fellowshiping with other Christians are ways that we can become stronger Christians.
Pray that God will show you how you can learn more about Him every day and become a leader like Titus.

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