
From Every Country

May 10

May 10, 2019 • Debbie Klahn

When Peter preached in Jerusalem on the day of Pentecost, the people in the audience were from many different places. Acts 2:5 tells us about these people. “There were some godly Jews in Jerusalem at this time. They were from every country in the world.”

It is interesting to think about all those people from different countries. Probably they had their own customs, just like people from different countries today. For example, people all over the world have their own customs for the way they eat.

People in many Asian countries use chopsticks. They may eat rice with their hands or with a big spoon. In some places in Africa, people eat with their fingers. They use bread or meat as their spoon. And in other countries, they keep a knife in their hand at
all times.

There are many different ways to eat, but all people need to eat food. In the same way, all people need to know about God and His Word. Just as the apostles taught the people in Jerusalem, we need to teach people around the world about Jesus.

Maybe you can be a missionary to a foreign country. Or maybe you can pray for people in a certain country. Find a way to serve God today!

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