
Traveling with Paul (3)

September 4

September 4, 2019 • Jo Krueger

Barnabas was from the island of Cyprus in the Mediterranean Sea. In the book of Acts, we learn that Barnabas’ name means “one who encourages others.” One time Barnabas encouraged other Christians by selling some land and giving the money to the apostles for the church. Barnabas also traveled with Paul on some of his missionary journeys.

Several years after Paul became a Christian, he went back to Jerusalem with Barnabas and Titus. Galatians, chapter 2, tells us that Paul went there to talk with the leaders in the church. He explained that God had given him and Barnabas the job of telling the Good News about Jesus to non- Jewish people. Galatians 2:9 tells us the outcome of that meeting. “James, Peter, and John seemed to be the leaders. And they saw that God had given me this special gift of ministry, so they accepted Barnabas and me. They said to us, ‘We agree that you should go to those who are not Jews, and we will go to the Jews.’”

God gave Paul and Barnabas a special job to do. And He has special work for you, too. Look for ways that you can serve God and encourage your brothers and sisters in Jesus.

God also wants you to tell non-Christians that Jesus loves them and died for them.
Are you doing God’s work today?

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