
Book of Judges

September 1

September 1, 2018 • Jo Krueger

Today we begin a study about some of God’s great leaders. This study will cover many of the Old Testament books from Judges through Malachi. These great leaders were judges, kings, prophets and other people that God used to lead the Israelites.

When Joshua died, the Israelites did not have a leader. Judges 2:16 tells us who God chose to lead His people. “Then the Lord chose leaders called judges. These leaders saved the Israelites from the enemies who took their possessions.” God was with these judges, but the Israelites did not always pay attention to them. Instead of following God, the Israelites worshiped false gods.

When the Israelites stopped worshiping God, bad things happened to them. So they cried out to God and asked Him to help them. Each time, God felt sorry for the people and sent a new judge to lead them. But when that judge died, the Israelites started worshiping false gods again. The Israelites were stubborn and refused to obey God.

The Israelites remind me of some people I know. When things are going well in their lives, they think they don’t need God. But when something bad happens, they turn to God for a short time. God wants us to worship and obey Him all the time. Obey God and pay attention to His word today!

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