
Luke, the Book

January 7

January 7, 2019 • Jo Krueger

The book of Luke was written by a man named Luke. He also wrote the New Testament book of Acts. Both of these books were written to a man named Theophilus. Luke 1:3-4 tells us why Luke wrote these books. “I studied it all carefully from the beginning. Then I decided to write it all down for you in an organized way. I did this so that you can be sure that what you have been taught is true.”

Luke was a very skilled writer. His book begins with the story of John the Baptizer’s birth. Then Luke moves on to tell us many wonderful facts about the birth of Jesus. Like Matthew, Luke also includes a list of Jesus’ earthly ancestors. Through Luke’s writings, we can see that Jesus’ birth was truly an amazing event!

The book of Luke mentions many women — Elizabeth, Mary, Martha and Mary from Bethany, and the women who went to Jesus’ tomb. This shows us that Luke honored women and their importance in the ministry of Jesus.

Luke also tells about Jesus working with people who were poor and outcast. This shows us how much Jesus loved those people and that His ministry was for all people who were willing to love and follow God. That includes you and me! Jesus came to earth and died on the cross so we can live with Him forever.

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