
Baby Moses

May 3

Jo Krueger

Yesterday we learned that God’s people were slaves in Egypt. One Israelite man and his wife had a son named Moses. As soon as Moses was born, they hid him. Why? Because Pharaoh ordered that all the Israelite baby boys should be killed. He thought this would stop the Israelite nation from growing.

As Moses grew, it became more difficult for his mother to hide him. Moses’ mother did not want her baby to die. Exodus 2:3 tells us what Moses’ mother did next. “She hid him for as long as she could. After three months she made a basket and covered it with tar so that it would float. Then she put the baby in the basket and put the basket in the river in the tall grass.”

Pharaoh’s daughter found the basket with Moses inside. She took Moses and raised him as her own son. When Moses grew up, he helped lead the Israelites out of slavery in Egypt. Moses brought the people to a new place to live and gave them God’s special laws.

God had a plan for Moses’ life. God helped Moses’ mother keep him safe. God has a plan for your life, too. He will help you do great things for His kingdom. Ask God to show you how you can serve Him today.