
Traveling with Paul (5)

September 6

September 6, 2019 • Jo Krueger

Timothy was another young man who traveled with Paul on his missionary journeys. Like Titus, Paul also called Timothy a “true son in the faith.”

In the book of 2 Timothy, we learn about Timothy’s background. Paul tells us that Timothy’s father was Greek, and his mother was a Jew. Timothy’s mother, Eunice, and grandmother, Lois, taught him to trust and serve God.

In 1 Thessalonians 3:1-2, Paul tells us more about Timothy. “We could not come to you, but it was very hard to wait any longer. So we decided to send Timothy to you and stay in Athens alone. Timothy is our brother. He works with us for God to tell people the Good News about Christ. We sent Timothy to strengthen and encourage you in your faith.”

Timothy learned his faith in God from his mother and grandmother. That faith led him to become a strong Christian and a leader in God’s church. Timothy’s life is a reminder to us that we should teach children about God.

Teach your children, your grandchildren and the children in your neighborhood about God. Look for ways that you can show them God’s love and encourage them with His Word.

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