
Before Acts

May 1

May 1, 2019 • Jo Krueger

The stories we read in Acts happened soon after the events of the four Gospel books of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. Let’s review what happened in those books.

Jesus is God’s Son. Jesus came to earth in human form and was born as a baby. He grew up and began His ministry among Jewish people. Jesus chose twelve men to be His apostles. For three years, Jesus taught and healed people.

But some Jewish people did not believe that Jesus was God’s Son. Those people wanted to get rid of Him. Finally they arrested Jesus and killed Him on a cross. But three days later, He arose from the dead. Soon after that, Jesus left the earth to be with His Father in heaven. All these things happened because they were part of God’s wonderful plan.

After Jesus left the earth, Peter spoke to a large group of Jews about Him. Acts 2:36 tells us what Peter said to those people. “So all the people of Israel should know this for certain: God has made Jesus to be Lord and Messiah. He is the man you nailed to the cross!”

Jesus died so that all people can have their sins forgiven and live forever with God. Thank God today for Jesus and His plan of salvation!

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