
Birth of the Church

May 8

May 8, 2019 • Gayle Thorn

On the day of Pentecost, Jewish people brought the first part of their harvest and offered it to God. Acts, chapter 2, tells us that many people were gathered in Jerusalem for this festival. Suddenly some strange things happened — noise, wind and flames of fire. Acts 2:4 tells us what happened next. “They were all filled with the Holy Spirit, and they began to speak different languages. The Holy Spirit was giving them the power to do this.” This was the birth of God’s church.

The people in the crowd were surprised. Why? Because the apostles were speaking, but everyone heard them in their own language. They could not understand how this was possible. People from many foreign countries heard the message in their own language. They were happy they could understand the great things Peter was saying about God.

Some people in the crowd were amazed at what was happening. Others were confused. But God was performing a wonderful miracle so that everyone there could understand His message of salvation.

We will learn about many more miracles that are recorded in the book of Acts. Thank God today for His great power!

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