

September 5

September 5, 2018 • Matt Keller

We have been learning about the judges who led Israel. Deborah was a woman prophet. God chose her to be a judge. She led the Israelites when the people of Canaan were trying to destroy them.

Deborah told a man named Barak that God wanted him to lead an army against the people of Canaan. But Barak was afraid. Judges 4:8 tells us what Barak said to Deborah. “Then Barak said to Deborah, ‘I will go and do this if you will go with me. But if you will not go with me, I will not go.’” It was very unusual for a woman to go into battle. But Deborah agreed to go.

God helped Israel defeat the army of Canaan. A woman named Jael killed the leader of the Canaanite army when he was hiding from the Israelites. Then Deborah and Barak sang a special song praising God for His help in defeating the Canaanites.

Deborah is a good example to us. She was willing to do God’s will, even when it meant going into battle. Also, after Israel won the battle, Deborah took time to praise God.

Always be willing to do what God wants you to do. And be ready to praise God for what He has done. Are you willing and ready to serve God today?

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