
The Church (1)

September 14

September 14, 2018 • Bob La Forge

The church is not only a place where we receive good training in how to live for God. It is also where we experience some important relationships.

In 1 Thessalonians, Paul talks about several relationships in the church. The first relationship involves the church leaders who guide, teach, discipline and protect the church. 1 Thessalonians 5:12-13 tells us about these leaders. “Now brothers and sisters, we ask you to recognize the value of those who work hard among you — those who, as followers of the Lord, care for you and tell you how to live. Show them the highest respect and love them because of the work they do.”

The second relationship is about serving and caring for people who are facing problems. God gives each of us gifts to help us encourage these people. The third relationship is the support we receive from other Christians. They help us to always be full of joy and to give thanks. The fourth relationship is with God. He gives us strength to serve Him and binds us together as one in Jesus.

The church needs all four of these relationships so we can be complete in Jesus. Ask God to show you how you can develop these relationships in your church.

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