
Day 4

Christ’s gift of forgiveness is the start of His good work in us. Imbued with mercy, released from condemnation, we are now free to live out the life our Good God has planned for us. When Christ says, “go and sin no more”, we are suddenly new creations, beginning a transformation. As we seek His goodness, we can be confident we have abundant grace to carry us until that day we experience full freedom.

This is the glory of the Triune; the Father, the Son and the Spirit working together for our gain. The full weight of mercy, grace and love bestowed onto us for freedom from condemnation and sin. Don’t let past wrongs become baggage to store away in that attic of your heart. They are washed away by the blood of Christ. Image-bearers of God, grow into fullness, continually lay aside baggage, leaving your hands open for the grace and mercy you need to confidently live free. The good work has happened in you and continues even now.