
Gideon (3)

September 10

September 10, 2018 • Opal Cochran

God told Gideon that he would lead the Israelites against their enemies. God’s Spirit was with Gideon, and he called the Israelites to prepare for battle. But Gideon wanted to be sure that God would be with him. Judges 6:36-37 tells us what Gideon said to God. “Then Gideon said to God, ‘You said that you would help me save the Israelites. Give me proof. I will put a sheepskin on the threshing floor. If there is dew only on the sheepskin, while all the ground is dry, I will know that you will use me to save Israel, as you said.’”

God did what Gideon asked. There was dew on the sheepskin, but not on the ground. Then Gideon asked for more proof. He asked for the sheepskin to stay dry, while the ground around it was wet with dew. Again, God did what Gideon asked.

Sometimes people today are like Gideon. They ask God to prove that His words are true. God does not want us to keep asking for proof that He will keep His promises. God wants us to accept His words in the Bible and trust Him.

When you read the Bible, you can know that it is true. And you can depend on God to love and protect you today.

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