
Jesus's Birth (2)

January 12

January 12, 2019 • Dale Erickson

Today we will learn about Jesus’ mother, Mary. The angel Gabriel came to Mary. Luke 1:31 tells what the angel told Mary. “Listen! You will become pregnant and have a baby boy. You will name him Jesus.” Gabriel told Mary that Jesus would be the Son of the Most High God and that He would rule over a kingdom that would never end.

Mary was confused about how all this would happen. But Gabriel explained that she would become pregnant through God’s Holy Spirit. He also reminded her that God can do anything.

Mary is a good example for us. First, she was a humble servant. Mary was willing to give birth to God’s Son. We should trust and obey God like Mary did. Second, Mary was brave. She could have been scared of criticism from other people. But Mary had the courage to follow God’s plan for her life. We should be courageous and follow God’s plan for our life, too.

Third, Mary believed that God could do this wonderful miracle. She believed that God could do what He had promised. We should believe in God’s promises, too.

Will you be humble, brave and trusting like Mary?

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