
Day 2

We are surrounded by many kinds of teachers. Some are certified or trained professionals and others are self-professed experts, having built their credibility based on life experiences. God gives wisdom, as a gift, to humankind but who is the one Teacher of all things good and true? Jesus, the Christ.

The hearts of all teachers have different motives but Christ has only one. Mercy. Reflect on how Jesus teaches. He never promotes himself or deals out conditions. Instead, He shares the truth about the kingdom of God and the blessings that are available to us. This is his heart posture towards the adulterous woman and the other teachers.

He tells the truth to help us see our need for mercy and his invitation to mercy. His mercy is a standing invitation to come out from under the pressure of hiding and live free. Christ’s intentions are always based on mercy, truth and grace. He is the steadfast Teacher we can follow.