
Traveling with Paul (6)

September 7

September 7, 2019 • Jo Krueger

Silas was a man who was respected by other Christians. He also traveled with Paul. Acts, chapter 16, tells us that Paul and Silas were in the city of Philippi. They met a servant girl who had a spirit from the devil. This spirit helped her tell what would happen in the future. Paul commanded the evil spirit to leave the girl.

But the men who owned the servant girl were upset because they couldn’t use her to make money. So they had Paul and Silas thrown into jail. Did Paul and Silas complain when they were in jail? No! They prayed and sang songs to God. Later, God sent an earthquake to free Paul and Silas from jail. Then they were able to tell the jailer and his family about Jesus.

Silas helped Paul, but he also helped Peter. 1 Peter is a letter that Peter wrote to encourage Christians. In 1 Peter 5:12, Peter mentioned Silas. “Silas will bring this letter to you. I know that he is a faithful brother in Christ. I wrote this short letter to encourage you. I wanted to tell you that this is the true grace of God. Stand strong in that grace.”

Silas was a faithful Christian. He served and praised God, even when he was facing problems. Maybe you will face problems today. Will you complain and feel sorry for yourself? Or will you thank and praise God?

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