

September 6

September 6, 2018 • Matt Keller

Forty years after Deborah led Israel, the Israelites disobeyed God again. So God allowed the Midianites to invade the land. The Bible does not tell us the prophet’s name, but we can read what he said in Judges 6:7-8. “The Midianites did all these bad things, so the Israelites cried to the Lord for help. The Lord sent a prophet to them. He said, ‘This is what the Lord, the God of Israel, says, “You were slaves in the land of Egypt. I made you free and brought you out of that land.”’”

This prophet reminded the Israelites that God delivered them from Egypt. And God promised to protect them as long as they obeyed Him. But God was allowing the Midianites to hurt the Israelites because Israel had disobeyed Him.

The Bible does not tell us any more about this prophet. But in these few verses we can learn some important things. First, we see that God always hears our cries for help. Second, we see that God always keeps His promises.

We can also see that God did not use His prophet to scold the Israelites. The prophet just told them the truth. God’s truth, the Bible, is still clear today. We can boldly share God’s Word with the people around us.

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