
Jigsaw Puzzle

January 11

Millie Mueller

A friend showed me her new jigsaw puzzle. From a distance, the puzzle looked like a map of the world. But up close, I could see that is was made of tiny pictures of people and animals from all over the world. What a neat puzzle!

God is like that jigsaw puzzle. We know what the Bible tells us about Him. But if we look at the people in the world and all of creation around us, we can learn even more about God. Genesis 1:31 tells us that all of these things God made are very good. “God looked at everything he had made. And he saw that everything was very good. There was evening, and then there was morning. This was the sixth day.”

When we look at the changing seasons and the cycle of life, we know that God is orderly. When we look at a mother holding a new baby, we learn the God is loving. When we look at animals in the world, we learn that God likes variety. And when we look at a sunset, we know that God likes beautiful colors.

Take some time today to look around you. See what you can learn about God from watching creation. Then thank Him for all these amazing things.