
Grace through Jesus

September 12

September 12, 2019 • Matt Keller

God forgives our sins through His grace. God gave His grace to us by sending Jesus. When Jesus came to earth He brought us grace and truth and showed us what God is like.

All people have sinned, and because we sin, we must be punished. The punishment for our sins is death and separation from God. The only way we can be saved from the punishment is for a person with no sin to be punished in place of us. That person is Jesus!

Jesus accepted the punishment for us. Romans 6:4 tells us how we can make Jesus our Savior and connect our life with Him through baptism. “So when we were baptized, we were buried with Christ and took part in his death. And just as Christ was raised from death by the wonderful power of the Father, so we can now live a new life.” When we follow and obey Jesus as our Lord and Savior, we receive God’s grace and forgiveness for our sins.

If we could do anything to save ourselves from the punishment for our sins, then God did not need to send Jesus. Following and obeying Jesus is the ONLY way we can receive God’s grace. Are you following and obeying Him today?

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