
The Fifth Day

January 7

Matt Keller

On the fifth day God created all creatures in the water and all the birds. Genesis 1:21 tells us about this. “So God created the large sea animals. He created all the many living things in the sea and every kind of bird that flies in the air. And God saw that this was good.”

The Bible emphasizes that God made all the creatures that live in the water at the same time. God made all the different kinds of fish, dolphins and whales, oysters, crabs and octopi — every creature that lives in the water.
God also made all the birds, from the tiny hummingbirds to the tall ostrich. These creatures and birds did not slowly evolve, starting from a single cell. No, God made them all in one day!

If we study the way creatures in the ocean live together, we see that it would be impossible for them all to slowly evolve. Each one affects the others around it in a special way. All of these creatures work together like a perfectly organized system. This system did not happen by accident!

Think about all the beautiful colors and shapes of birds and fish. God designed them this way on purpose. God wants to enjoy the things He created, and He wants us to enjoy them, too!