
Special Women

May 6

May 6, 2019 • Jennifer Forrester

The book of Acts tells us about women who were part of the church. Some of these women had important roles in starting the church. Other women are only mentioned briefly. But all these women can teach us something about loving and serving God.

One of the first women mentioned in Acts is Mary, the mother of Jesus. Acts 1:14 tells us about Mary and some other women. “The apostles were all together. They were constantly praying with the same purpose. Some women, Mary the mother of Jesus, and his brothers were there with the apostles.” Why did these women meet with the apostles? They met to pray!

It must have been exciting to be part of that prayer group. Maybe they were not sure they could do God’s work without Jesus. Perhaps they wondered how they could share the Good News with so many other people in the world.

Mary believed that Jesus was God’s Son. And she served Him through the church. You can serve God through your local church, too. Look for ways God can use you to share His message of salvation with people in your community.

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