
The Church (2)

September 15

September 15, 2018 • Bob La Forge

Some Christians become discouraged and stop reaching out to other people. They sit in their church building and wait for someone to come to them. These Christians are very lonely people. They are not doing all that God wants them to do.

God is loving and kind. But He is not focused on Himself. God is focused on us, and He wants us to be like Him. In Acts 4:32, Luke tells us that the early Christians were focused on serving each other. “The whole group of believers was united in their thinking and in what they wanted. None of them said that the things they had were their own. Instead, they shared everything.”

When Jesus lived on earth, He was not selfish. He showed compassion to people who were sick, lame, lonely or sad. But Jesus did not sit and wait for these people to come to Him. Instead, He went out and found needy people and showed them His healing and love.

When we follow Jesus’ example of reaching out to hurting people, we experience God’s grace and power. Look for needy people around you today. Love them, help them and tell them the Good News about Jesus.

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